Monday, December 11, 2006

Best News Ever

Yay! While at home from work today, my prenatal specialist Dr. called me and told me that all of my tests came out normal. I won't have to give myself shots in the belleh or anything!! Yay! Seriously, got on my knees and thanked God for that one. Little EJ and I are going to be just fine. If that's not an answer to prayer, I don't know what is! On another note- I stayed home from work today- just to get some MUCH needed rest and boy, it is so hard sometimes, just to do nothing. It seems that I always have something that I need to do, or want to do, that I make it impossible for myself just to do nothing. Even if I made a list or something like that, as soon as I would get something checked off as being done, I would immediately add another TO DO to the end of the list. BAH! It's insanity. I really wanted to have the Ethan's room painted before John got back from Allentown, but for goodness sakes, I just can't find the energy. Oh well... guess we'll just have to do it this weekend. We plan on furnishing it in January, so I want it to be completely ready by then. I miss John.

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