Friday, July 11, 2008

This is for you Gwammy!!

Little man is doing really well lately. Still isn't walking yet, but is very close. I went on vacation this past week, to Indiana, and John took care of him all by himself and did a GREAT JOB. What a great dad EJ has. And what a great husband I have. Our little family is doing so well. EJ will start back up at daycare on Monday and I'm confident that he will do fine there. I think being around other kids again is going to help him learn to walk more soon too. His top four teeth and bottom four teeth are all finally in AND he's got several molars he's workin on too. He's doing well with table food and LOVES pizza. I know, we are so healthy. Today he walked up to me while I was eating a granola bar and decided that I should share it with him. I did, and he smacked his lips as he ate it. Cutest little guy ever. He has mastered the art of clapping his hands, waving high, giving high fives (and high tens :-P), flapping his arms like a bird does his wings, he knows how to do a little dance move, and babbling like crazy. He loves to be sang to (especially by yours truly) and it's a good thing because I'd sing to him even if he didn't like it. Every night we read a few short books together and he seems to really dig that. I think he likes the different sounds the words make, and the colors on the pictures. My personal favorite book is "That's not MY dinosaur".

We love our little man and hope you enjoy the pictures.

PS- Here's a little video for ya...

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