Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Duss Dwammy and Da Wittow Man

There were several other pictures that I wanted to post, however, the blogger application is not working properly so I killed it dead.

EJ started daycare at Ms. Wanda's today. He LOVES it. (I love it :-P) Almost time to move. Only 11 days left here in Avondale. Yay God!

HERE is a video of EJ swimmin' with Dwammy.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Crunchy Bottle

Cute little video of EJ laughing HERE.

BBQ at Gwammy and Gwampy's

We recently went over to Mom's for a BBQ and while we were there, Uncie Rye Bread (aka- the worlds best uncle) got to hang out with EJ for a little bit. Although, it seems that EJ was the one doing MOST of the hanging. SEE VIDEO HERE.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

EJ IS WALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my. Little man is walking. I think I called everyone I know when I found out. Unfortunately it happened while I was at work- but the daycare people were so excited to do a show and tell with him when I got there to pick him up. I walked in and Ms. Laura said, "Cassie- HE'S WALKING- WATCH!!!" I looked down the hallway... ... ... ... and little man was WALKING out to me. It was the cutest damn thing I have ever seen in my life. Seriously. ... ... ... ... Then I cried. A lot. Next thing I know I'm gonna be meeting his girlfriends and sending him off to prom. I am so blessed to have such a sweet and smart son. I love him more than words can express.

Thank you Lord for my wonderful family.
I love you EJ.

...... and HERE is the video.