Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Birthday PaPaw McIver!!!

I'm making a picture post and a video post. This is obviously the picture post. :)

EJ has been doing great lately. The other night, he was having a little bit of trouble staying asleep (bad dreams probably) and so I went into his room to soothe him. I got him out of his crib and sat down in the rocker and he actually let me hold him and rock him back to sleep. I miss that about him being a newborn. He did indeed fall asleep- he was even snoring after just a few minutes. So adorable. It is in those moments that I continually realize that being a mother is the best thing on the planet. I love him so much.

Today, is my Dad's birthday. I miss him a lot. Happy Birthday Dad.

Stef, Mike, John, EJ, and I all partied out at the pool today. EJ was so good. He just chilled in his little floaty thing in the water, and then when we were done with that he hung out in his pack and play as the rest of us hung out. I am so excited for Stef and Mike to have kids. Mike's gonna be a great Dad and Stef's gonna compliment beautifully by being the bestest Mom. I am so excited for them.

Gwammy, last weekend, offered to watch little man while John and I go to a Christian Marriage retreat in a couple of weeks, and we decided to take her up on it. I'm very excited to go, but I'm gonna miss my little man like crazy. Then, that following Monday, John is going to a baseball game with Mikey and then I'm going the next day to one with Stef and then that same week, on Thursday, I leave to go to Indiana for a week. I know everyone is wondering if I can be a whole week away from my little man, but I am going to be fine. He's gonna be in the best care with his Daddy and Gwammy and there's nothing to worry about.

Anyhow- I'm uploading tons of video and pictures as we speak so browse through them when you get a minute.

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