Wednesday, August 9, 2006

More baby talk

I keep thinking that this isn't really happening... that I can't really be having a baby. I almost, morbidly, keep expecting to see some huge blood clot AKA miscarage in the toilet, after I pee or something. I know that it is gross, and mildly depressing, but I can't help it.
On a lighter note, I am so incredibly excited about baby. That's what I have taken to calling her. And yes, I think that it's a her. Funny, I know.
I have taken the prenatal vitamin that are necesary for two days now, and neither day I have gotten sick. It's great. I was only sick like last week, but it could be that I am not far along enough to actually encounter morning sickness... ... yet. I am 5 weeks though. It seems so long. So incredibly long because they measure it from the date that you started your last period. Amazing. But the baby inside me has already developed a brain and all it's organs and everything. There is honest to God, a real baby inside me.
John has been so amazing to me lately. Not that he's not normally, but I'm his baby... with his baby. It's awesome. I love being around him right now, and it kinda sucks, because I think he might be sick. He says that he thinks that it is just his allergies, but he's totally just in denial. He's got a cold. I'm gonna get it too. I hate being sick, and I really don't wanna be sick and preggers. Bleh.
I told Stefanie today that I am pregnant. She didn't really seem that surprised. I think Mike might have said something to her. It's cool though. I am just glad that I have someone other than a family member that knows now. :-P And it's important to me that she knows, mostly just because she is my only girlfriend. That's a special thing right there.
Everyone is so happy about our little blessing and I can't wait for the ball to really get rollin on this whole deal. It's glorious.

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