Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Let Week 9 Begin

I feel really guilty about not going to school tonight. Part of me doesn't really care though. I was so sick to my stomach all damn day, and all I really did was let John take care of me and sleep. My teacher is pretty cool though... so I don't think that he will drop me or anything for not going tonight. I will make sure that I stay caught up on the homework (that he doesn't make us turn in) and I should be good to go. I had my second prenatal visit this morning. It was really quick. Dr. McKernan said everything looks great and then I had a few questions that I wanted to ask him and that was really about it. He is such a great Doc. He is obsessed with Napoleon Dynamite and has a life size cut out of him in his exam room. Hahhaa. It's pretty funny when you are lying down and he's "checkin things out down there" and all that you can see is the top of your Doc's head and Napoleon staring you down. It's definately a good conversation piece. Anyhow, yeah, the appointment went well. I got the All Clear to travel out to Peru to see my Dad this Oct... and lemme tell you what, I am so excited about that. :) Oh and one more thing. I am really sad about Steve Irwin dying. He just seemed like such a good guy that honestly had his heart invested in nature like nobody else. It's so sad. I can't even imagine how his wife must be feeling right now. It's honestly so sad. God bless em'. Time to get me s'more nappy. Cass

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